Walk Summary
The Andrewhinney Ridge.
Sounds like a classic route if not it should be. I have had an idea to walk along this ridge since first spotting it from White Comb back in January 2015 and was disappointed to have touched only one end of it neglecting the southerly peaks when, for some reason I cannot remember, I chose to approach Capel Fell from the Southern Upland Way also back in January 2015.
For my next visit back in December 2015 I had devised a circular walk starting from Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall car park but that did not include White Shank and Smidhope Hill. Bad weather, flooded roads and not enough time prevented an attempt on that trip so I resolved to return at some future unspecified date, away from the short winter days, still starting from Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall, but after a nights wild camp to also include White Shank and Smidhope Hill thereby completing all hills along the ridge.
So when Rick Salter suggested an end to end using two cars all these problems disappeared and set the scene for a veritable Donald fest and Graham Top Bonanza involving a total of ten summits eight of which are Simms. Other than suggesting to leave one of the cars at Selcoth Fish Farm I was pleased to leave the route planning to Rick hoping to learn something from both his and his partner Jenny Hatfield's extensive experience gained as the two most recent Marilynists (or are they Marilyneers). Either way they have completed all 1556 GB Marilyns back in September 2016. Only the 9th and 10th people to achieve this, the first couple and for Jenny the notable achievement of being the first lady.
Just the one Marilyn I thought but was surprised to hear Rick suggest doing Capel Fell.
"I've already done that one" said I.
But of course so have Rick & Jen. Apart from the reasoning to do it anyway, because it was there and because it would add to the years bagging total under www.hill-bagging.co.uk algorithms the method in the 'madness' was that it left the option open, if we made good enough progress, to carry on up West Knowe towards Ettrick Pen. In reality a totally unrealistic plan with day light hours available, but one which the optimist in me readily accepted. In hindsight I get the impression Jenny just went along with this knowing there would not be enough time but left it for us boys to work out for ourselves.
As mentioned earlier leaving my van at Selcoth Fish Farm, little known and not marked on map but remember sign saying was OK after Capel Fell descent, we set off together in one vehicle to Birkhill. Again not marked parking but enough room for one vehicle near farm buildings. With chatting, the ascent up to Herman Law went really quick and apart from the low cloud was an ideal day in with good company. The rest of the day was just a matter of following the fence along the rounded ridge to Bodesbeck Law. From there we could have carried on following the fence to White Shank, however we were all keen to pick off the Donald Dewey Pot Law for little extra navigation work and very little extra ascent/re- ascent. Like the English/Welsh Deweys not doing the Scottish Donald Deweys but in reality I am, suspect the same is the case for Rick & Jen.
After stopping for a quick snack at the sheepfold in the col NW of Potburn we returned to the fence via Potburn Rig having decided there would not be enough time for West Knowe etc.
After Capel Fell we briefly split up so Rick & Jen could descend via the 2nd Donald Dewey of the day - Broken Back. As for me I had already been to Broken Back so descended via Sailfoot Law, who knows one day I may be looking to complete the sub-Donald Deweys!!!
In my opinion a Classic Route, including Pot Law & Broken back a total of twelve summits.
The true classic route though would include the Etrick Pen ridge and five extra summits. No surprises that was the route used by Mr Hillbagger himself, Rob Woodhall way back in August 1991 logged under RHW "Horseshoe of all the Ettrick Donalds from Ettrick Pen to Herman Law"
Walk Statistics
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Yours truly posing on the Donald Dewey - Nowtrig Head with Marilyn completer Jenny Hatfield |
Sounds like a classic route if not it should be. I have had an idea to walk along this ridge since first spotting it from White Comb back in January 2015 and was disappointed to have touched only one end of it neglecting the southerly peaks when, for some reason I cannot remember, I chose to approach Capel Fell from the Southern Upland Way also back in January 2015.
For my next visit back in December 2015 I had devised a circular walk starting from Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall car park but that did not include White Shank and Smidhope Hill. Bad weather, flooded roads and not enough time prevented an attempt on that trip so I resolved to return at some future unspecified date, away from the short winter days, still starting from Grey Mare's Tail Waterfall, but after a nights wild camp to also include White Shank and Smidhope Hill thereby completing all hills along the ridge.
So when Rick Salter suggested an end to end using two cars all these problems disappeared and set the scene for a veritable Donald fest and Graham Top Bonanza involving a total of ten summits eight of which are Simms. Other than suggesting to leave one of the cars at Selcoth Fish Farm I was pleased to leave the route planning to Rick hoping to learn something from both his and his partner Jenny Hatfield's extensive experience gained as the two most recent Marilynists (or are they Marilyneers). Either way they have completed all 1556 GB Marilyns back in September 2016. Only the 9th and 10th people to achieve this, the first couple and for Jenny the notable achievement of being the first lady.
Just the one Marilyn I thought but was surprised to hear Rick suggest doing Capel Fell.
"I've already done that one" said I.
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Rick & jen complete their summit rituals on Capel Fell Makes my log on www.peakhunter.com look weak |
As mentioned earlier leaving my van at Selcoth Fish Farm, little known and not marked on map but remember sign saying was OK after Capel Fell descent, we set off together in one vehicle to Birkhill. Again not marked parking but enough room for one vehicle near farm buildings. With chatting, the ascent up to Herman Law went really quick and apart from the low cloud was an ideal day in with good company. The rest of the day was just a matter of following the fence along the rounded ridge to Bodesbeck Law. From there we could have carried on following the fence to White Shank, however we were all keen to pick off the Donald Dewey Pot Law for little extra navigation work and very little extra ascent/re- ascent. Like the English/Welsh Deweys not doing the Scottish Donald Deweys but in reality I am, suspect the same is the case for Rick & Jen.
After stopping for a quick snack at the sheepfold in the col NW of Potburn we returned to the fence via Potburn Rig having decided there would not be enough time for West Knowe etc.
After Capel Fell we briefly split up so Rick & Jen could descend via the 2nd Donald Dewey of the day - Broken Back. As for me I had already been to Broken Back so descended via Sailfoot Law, who knows one day I may be looking to complete the sub-Donald Deweys!!!
In my opinion a Classic Route, including Pot Law & Broken back a total of twelve summits.
The true classic route though would include the Etrick Pen ridge and five extra summits. No surprises that was the route used by Mr Hillbagger himself, Rob Woodhall way back in August 1991 logged under RHW "Horseshoe of all the Ettrick Donalds from Ettrick Pen to Herman Law"
Walk Date - 23 January 2017
Walkers - Steve Smith
Accommodation - Moffat Caravan & Camping Club site, Moffatt
Start Point - Roadside near Birkhill farm entrance (NT 20152 15877)
Start Time - 10:12
Finish Point - Fish Farm at foot of Sailfoot. (NT 13811 07800)
Finish Time- 17:00
Total Duration - 6hrs 48mins
Overall Average pace - 1.74mph
Total Distance Walked - 11.85 miles
Total Height Ascended - 1034.72metres
Peaks visited
Munro (282)
Simm (2190S - 2533E,W &)
Herman Law (81S - 413E,W&S)
Andrewhinney Hill (82 - 414E,W&S)
Bell Craig (83S - 415E,W&S)
Mid Rig (84S - 416E,W&S)
Nowtrig Head (85S - 417E,W&S)
Bodesbeck Law (86S - 418E,W&S)
Smidhope Hill (87S - 419E,W&S)
Capel Fell (69S - 301E,W&S) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Munro Top (227)
Murdo (443)
Corbett (221)
Corbett Top of Munro (???)
Corbett Top of Corbett (???)
Graham (219)
Andrewhinney Hill (4)
Capel Fell (1) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Graham Top of Munro (???)
Graham Top of Corbett (???)
Graham Top of Graham (???)
Herman Law (1)
Bell Craig (2)
Mid Rig (3)
Bodesbeck Law (4)
Smidhope Hill (5)
Donald (89)
Herman Law (9)
Andrewhinney Hill (10)
Bell Craig (11)
Bodesbeck Law (12)
Capel Fell (6) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Donald Top (51)
Trowgrain Middle (4)
Mid Rig (5)
White Shank (6)
Smidhope Hill (7)
New Donald (118)
Herman Law (11)
Andrewhinney Hill (12)
Bell Craig (13)
Mid Rig (14)
Bodesbeck Law (15)
Smidhope Hill (16)
Capel Fell (7) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Marilyn (1218S - 1556E,W&S))
Andrewhinney Hill (64S - 305E,W&S)
Capel Fell (39S - 120E,W&S)
Hump (2168S - 2976E,W&S)
Andrewhinney Hill (80S - 396E,W&S)
Bodesbeck Law (81S - 397E,W&S)
Capel Fell (50S - 184E,W&S) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Donald Dewey (248)
Nowtrig Head (19)
Pot Law(20)
Other walks on this trip
19th Peel Fell & Larriston Fells
20th Blackwood Hill & Roan Fell
21st Cauldcleuch Head & Greatmoor Hill
23rd Andrewhinney Ridge
24th White Meldon & Cademuir Hill
25th Meigle Hill, Black Hill & Eildon Mid Hill
29th Moncrieffe Hill
03rd Long Crag
Walkers - Steve Smith
Accommodation - Moffat Caravan & Camping Club site, Moffatt
Start Point - Roadside near Birkhill farm entrance (NT 20152 15877)
Start Time - 10:12
Finish Point - Fish Farm at foot of Sailfoot. (NT 13811 07800)
Finish Time- 17:00
Total Duration - 6hrs 48mins
Overall Average pace - 1.74mph
Total Distance Walked - 11.85 miles
Total Height Ascended - 1034.72metres
Peaks visited
Munro (282)
Simm (2190S - 2533E,W &)
Herman Law (81S - 413E,W&S)
Andrewhinney Hill (82 - 414E,W&S)
Bell Craig (83S - 415E,W&S)
Mid Rig (84S - 416E,W&S)
Nowtrig Head (85S - 417E,W&S)
Bodesbeck Law (86S - 418E,W&S)
Smidhope Hill (87S - 419E,W&S)
Capel Fell (69S - 301E,W&S) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Munro Top (227)
Murdo (443)
Corbett (221)
Corbett Top of Munro (???)
Corbett Top of Corbett (???)
Graham (219)
Andrewhinney Hill (4)
Capel Fell (1) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Graham Top of Munro (???)
Graham Top of Corbett (???)
Graham Top of Graham (???)
Herman Law (1)
Bell Craig (2)
Mid Rig (3)
Bodesbeck Law (4)
Smidhope Hill (5)
Donald (89)
Herman Law (9)
Andrewhinney Hill (10)
Bell Craig (11)
Bodesbeck Law (12)
Capel Fell (6) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Donald Top (51)
Trowgrain Middle (4)
Mid Rig (5)
White Shank (6)
Smidhope Hill (7)
New Donald (118)
Herman Law (11)
Andrewhinney Hill (12)
Bell Craig (13)
Mid Rig (14)
Bodesbeck Law (15)
Smidhope Hill (16)
Capel Fell (7) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Marilyn (1218S - 1556E,W&S))
Andrewhinney Hill (64S - 305E,W&S)
Capel Fell (39S - 120E,W&S)
Hump (2168S - 2976E,W&S)
Andrewhinney Hill (80S - 396E,W&S)
Bodesbeck Law (81S - 397E,W&S)
Capel Fell (50S - 184E,W&S) (first visited 27 January 2017)
Donald Dewey (248)
Nowtrig Head (19)
Pot Law(20)
Historic County Tops (49E - 93E,W&S)
S: Scotland.
E,W&S:England,Wales & Scotland
S: Scotland.
E,W&S:England,Wales & Scotland
Other walks on this trip
19th Peel Fell & Larriston Fells
20th Blackwood Hill & Roan Fell
21st Cauldcleuch Head & Greatmoor Hill
23rd Andrewhinney Ridge
24th White Meldon & Cademuir Hill
25th Meigle Hill, Black Hill & Eildon Mid Hill
29th Moncrieffe Hill
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Good company provided by Rick Salter & Jenny Hatfield. Marilynists or are they Marilyneers.
Either way they have both completed all 15556 GB Marilyns
Click on photograph to view slide-show